Law enforcement use laser radar guns to determine your speed when you are driving on a roadway or highway, even if there are other vehicles around you. The ticket you receive if caught through the use of a laser radar gun will have the actual reading of the gun on the ticket. If you are not educated in the use of radar guns it is easy for an Officer to win at trial, even if the reading was not accurate. What you may not know is that although these guns are accurate, there are factors that could contribute to a false reading or imprecise reading, such as weather conditions and calibration updates. These conditions can make the gun and its use unreliable and a judge may reduce or completely dismiss a ticket if the gun used is proven to be unreliable. Crusmyticket’s lawyers are educated on the use and accuracy of radar guns. We know what conditions and factors will make a radar gun unreliable and can help get you win your radar or lidar traffic ticket case!
If you believe you were not speeding and the officer mistakenly stopped you and gave you a ticket, we can help prove your case. The lawyers at Crushmyticket have consistently proven that radar guns make mistakes and we can do the same for you. California allows drivers to contest their tickets in a court of law. Call us and send us your ticket today for a thorough review. Crushmyticket knows and understands the law and can represent you in California courts, whether you’re in Los Angeles, Orange County, Ventura, San Bernardino, or Riverside.
The information contained on this website regarding California traffic tickets, speeding tickets, and traffic citations is not a substitute for individual legal consultation. Contact Crushmyticket today for a free evaluation of your ticket. If we believe you have a strong case, we will go to court for you so you don’t have to miss work or school, and we will fight the ticket for you.
(844) 999-9987
ALSO SEE: Personal injury page